P&F Advisory Group

  • ​​​Rachael Tickner​​ - President
  • Jessica Smith - Vice President
  • Tara Bensing - Secretary
  • Jess Horsburgh and Tamantha Harrower - General Executive Members

​​This is an important support group in the life of St Pius. It is through this formal body that parents are able to assist in providing an enriched learning environment for children and can meet and work with other supportive parents. 

The P & FAdvisory Group is run by parents on a voluntary basis. Meetings are held monthly at the school.  Issues are discussed and needs in​dicated. A calendar of social, educational and financial support events is negotiated. All adult members of the school community are very welcome to gather at these meetings and become involved in discussion regarding the directions for students, staff and the parent body. The school’s weekly newsletter will announce the meeting dates at least one week in advance.